Tuesday, October 02, 2007


Started working on a new portrait late last night - something a little different; I am producing it as a favour/thankyou for all the help Erum has given me setting up my website.
Strangely enough I am using colours that I wouldn't usually use or think about using; gone are the yellows, dark reds and greens. In comes PINK
A colour that I have never used before!! Its working out ok and will post up the painting as it travels along.
Whilst paintingt (using my 000 brush) the word pink kept rolling around my mind - things associated with pink. I started to compile a list in my head and have decided to start writing a list down. so here goes, feel free to add any others

. pink cadillac - the iconic American car
. pink cadillac - song by bruce springsteen
. pink - the singer/performer!
. lilly the pink - song by I think covered by scaffold
. barbie pink
. pink floyd
. pretty in pink - the film from 1986
. ......... there must be more but my minds gone blank!!

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