Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Oct 31st - Halloween!!

To be honest, I have no real interest in celebrating Halloween, but having an 8yr old one has to make the effort! So today I will transform a pumpkin into a piece of art, drape cobwebs and spiders about the porch and open the door to little people who threaten me with plastic tridents and flimsy masks begging for sweets. (do I sound like a miserable old git!)

In years gone by we have thrown Halloween parties - spending two days setting up the flat with some serious latex heads; courtesy of an old friend with contacts.
I must admit to having a devilish time last year when we were bombarded with trick or treat (I must ask why we have this, is it another American import, in my day we never did anything like this, the nearest being carol singing for a couple of quid), anyhow, I decided to play a double stooge on those knocking on my door - I dressed up, wore a latex mask and when I opened the door jumped out and gave a deep scary wail (the idea was copied from a video of a man sitting on a porch and jumping out at victims - so no real original credit there!). Result: a lot of terrified kids, laughing parents and spilt sweets.... maybe, I might try that again.....
But why do we have to be subjected to this trick or treat anyway? One year I put up a big sign across the door - 'dont bother' - still the doorbell rang another year, having managed to get hold of a robotic arm, I fed it through the letter box and when someone came to the door, it moved (sound activated and ran a tap recording of eye gauging noises (made by using a fork and a potato just for interest!!)

As I read back this post, part of me says I can't be bothered with halloween, especially the horrible activity of trick or treat - although JJ will want to go round the neighbourhood and ask for a treat, so I feel obliged to reciprocate. What pressure to conform to today's society expectations
As for the pumpkin...... sharp knife at the ready
To get me in the mood - found some examples of pumpkin lanterns... enjoy the night!!!!

and this one is my favourite......

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