Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Banksy caught on my kitchen TV!

Funny, as I was writing the previous post on Banksy, it came up on the news - had camera to hand; batteries running low (see rule 6!) and using sky plus pause button on television in kitchen managed to get some images of the Banksy work. Bloke in one picture is a news reporter.
Several of the public were asked about the latest 'graffiti work'
Lady 1: I think he's done one round the corner on the side of a local shop, I think it looks great
Man 2: Saw it last night on way home from work - looks like a worker from the council. Had to get a photo of it this morning
Man 3: I think that it brightens up the neighbourhood and if it winds up tower Hamlets council cant be bad.

Personally I like the idea of the double yellow line going off the road and ending as a giant flower. I don't think that it demonstrates some of the quality stencils he has previously done.

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