Tuesday, October 09, 2007

£10 note saga!

well despite coming home after witnessing QPRs first victory of the season! I picked my emails, following the positive contacts that were made with the white cube, I recieved an email that basically has put a downer on the project:
Dear Paul,

Thanks for you e-mail. Although, Jake & Dinos appreciate your charitable intention - they will not sign your painting. The whole point of this years Frieze performance is not to make any money and they will not sign this in order to potentially gain a profit from them doing so, even if this is for charity.

Well, things are not as one intended, got a little wound up, Jo replied to the email and as of this evening not had a reply - s'ppose they are very busy at moment to deal with small fry!
Anyhow, as in earlier post, there are positve and negative aspects of life... I have thought of several responses to this;
1. don't bother
2. get back at them - an initial mind set driven by anger/frustration/annoyance..... go to the art show, queue as everyone will, present them with the original tenner, get them to put their mark on it then rip it up in their face.... not really going anywhere with that one to be honest, like spitting the dummy out of the pram
3. still take the painting and see if they will sign/put their mark on it despite what they have said.. this will probably piss the off and get no where
4. print and give out mini flyer's with image on, title of painting (have come up with it) and my website.... even at a push, might get them to sign one of them I have already printed a number of them and will drop them around the exhibition ..... its more passive and possibly could generate a bit of interest.

title for the painting:
'the one that got away'

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