Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Ok in the mood!!

10 facts about halloween:
Fact One:
About 99% of pumpkins marketed domestically are used as Jack O'Lanterns at Halloween.
Fact Two:
In the United States, 86% of Americans decorate their homes for Halloween.
Fact Three:
Legendary magician Harry Houdini died in Detroit of gangrene and peritonitis resulting from a ruptured appendix on Halloween in 1926.
Fact Four:
Spalding claims to be the pumpkin capital of Britain, because it's the home of the country's biggest producer. David Bowman grows two million a year!
Fact Five:
Did you know - there are no words in the dictionary that rhyme with orange? Hard to believe for such an important colour?
Fact Six:
It is believed that the Irish began the tradition of Trick or Treating. In preparation for All Hallow's Eve, Irish townsfolk would visit neighbours and ask for contributions of food for a feast in the town.
Fact Seven:
The record for the fastest pumpkin carver in the world is Jerry Ayers of Baltimore, Ohio. He carved a pumpkin in just 37 seconds!
Fact Eight:
Vampires think Halloween is tacky and don't bother going out that night.
Fact Nine:
The original Halloween film directed by John Carpenter in 1978 cost just $320,000 to make. It ended up making over $50m worldwide.
Fact Ten:
People have believed for centuries that light keeps away ghosts and ghouls. Making a pumpkin lantern with a candle inside may keep you safe from all the spooky spirits flying around on Halloween.

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