Be aware - John Lydon on form on this video taken with my phone - some swearing and the usual lyrics!!
As I posted last night, the gig was brilliant, being a little to young to see them live it was great to see them last night. Quote "It's like seeing Elvis; for us" (thanks Oz)
They kept the crowd waiting, came on at 9.30 - what an entrance, they walked through the doors behind the stage (usually used for loading/unloading equipment) to a blaze of white light, casting shadows across the venue.
Swaggering on stage in front, bottle in hand and snarl on face John Lydon greeted the throng - 'hello, I'm a fat f***ing c*** ( I know I swear in my work, but .......) what a way to start.
Then the music - I remember buying the never mind album when it came out, I listened to it in my bedroom wearing a pair of headphones so the parents couldn't hear it, unbeknown to me, dad had heard it already - some one at work brought it in!!!!
The sound was fantastic, they even sounded professional - is that correct for the punk band?!
Song after song brought back memories, singing along or shouting out with angry undertones!
Even when I needed the loo, I held out as much as possible as not to miss a thing, but Guinness after Guinness, bitter after lager - it has to be released! Could still hear them in the toilets - apt really.
They ended on a high, coming back to do an encore - how nice, totally against '76 values!!
Anarchy in the UK shouted out by 50 somethings - reliving their youth, burdened with a mortgage, 9-5 job, families, responsibilities - the anarchists of yesteryear, joined the rest 2007!!!
Outside, whilst waiting for others I over heard a brilliant conversation between 5/6 men (in late 40's/early 50's) ....
quote "that was 'mazing, fancy going to back to mine and having a wild party.....
"yeah, could do with getting rat faced"
"yeah, we'll go back to mine, I'll open up a great bottle of wine.... and I've got some fine cheese"
These 'former punks' were serious!!!
Great night, I've seen the legendary Sex Pistols and seen how all the late '70's anarchist punks have stayed true to their beliefs!!
Off to see Archie Bronson Outfit on Friday - they've got a lot to live upto!
oh I am jealous, sounds like it was so much fun :)
If you get the chance you must see them. A brill night was had, apart from the victoria line not running, metropolitan finishing three stops from mine and still having to pay for parking!!
It has spurned me on to complete a painting this weekend based on the bollocks series of work - I shall use the same paleete that is found on the album, especially as I dug it out on the way to bed, ready to put on the turntable when I get in from work and play at a 'reasonable' volume whilst putting on flock wallpaper shirt!
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