Tuesday, November 27, 2007

from man flu to hospital

Life is strange; earlier in a post I as talking about looking after my son who was poorly, we as you might of guessed, I ended up with the flu - much overused word, because the symptoms of flu are a lot more serious than the usual colds we get. So with aching bones, blocked/dripping nose I bundled myself of to bed armed with an assortment of pills, lemsips, honey and lemon drinks, closed the door and prepared myself for a few days lock down!
Lots of fluids later I started feeling chirpier - missed most of what happened over the weekend, Jo took JJ to QPR, they had grandpa over for a meal, did rugby training etc.
Monday morning, not 100% but thought I'd better get back to work - Swedish group over and I am going to be working with them both here and in Sweden, couldn't miss it really.
It at this stage, that I should mention that Jo pushed me into going back!!!
Driving into work was a very weird sensation; everything was a little woozy and every time I looked in the mirror or onto oncoming traffic I felt dizzy - this had been part of the 'flu' that I had suffered.
Anyhow, got into school, parked the car, felt like a crab walking across playground - sideways but forwards at the same time! Got into classroom and stumbled. My technician helped to my seat in my office, next thing; on the floor with someone telling me the ambulance was on the way!!
Ended up in A&E, lying on bed wearing one of those gowns that allows you to expose your bum and strangle you at the same time! 4 hours later, several tests and prodding by student doctors the results came in; I had a viral infection in the base of my brain and inner ears therefore no sense of balance.
As per usual, Jos mobile turned off so when called her school to inform her I was in hospital she replied instantly and collected me (she says sorry for making me go to work when I wasn't ready!)
currently, sitting in bed, popping pills, head spinning, back to square one.......


jafabrit said...

flipping heck, its a wonder you even made it to work. Your description "felt like a crab walking across playground - sideways but forwards at the same time" says it all. Must have been just totally weird. Hope you are feeling better.

paultalbotart said...

cheers, still not too much progress, everytime I move I get dizzy!! It's a bummer, all this time and no chance of painting as Iv'e left my glassess in my car in car - at school! Hopefully the pills will kick in soon