Tuesday, October 09, 2007

The positive side of life

After the happenings of the last 24hours, a good thing happens, well several in fact.
as agreed, I met Ruth (client who has purchased a painting - 'woman and son eating chips, Charmouth') outside the Tate Modern. As per usual, I arrived well before the meeting time and decided to go and have a look around.
It was worth it, left feeling inspired by two drawings:
1. pastel drawing on velvet paper by an artist called Kontis - can't find out anything about the work etc, pastel drawing of two men on a beach (I seem to have an infinity with beaches), beautifully drawn the detail was immense... the same quality as found in the work of Nicholas Middleton then i came across a piece by Jenny Holzer -researching bits about her work it is a bit political but the piece in the Tate has a wonderful sentiment and is drawn using times roman font - the style i use in my work, when i can get hold of it I'll post it.

Then of course:

The Turbine Hall .....

the new 'crack in the floor' installation by Colombian artist Doris Sal-credo titled: Shibboleth, a 167m chasm

I like others, got down on hands and knees to have a closer inspection, how deep did go down?, how was it made? great art, just watching people walking over the gap, trying not to step on it, following the whole crack through the hall.

had to get some photos, lucky I had a camera with me!

in the black bag is the painting for Ruth (it was raining!!)

had to put my foot in!

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