Thursday, December 20, 2007

Blast from the past

Follwing some comments left and past posts I have located an old drawing that I produced in the late 80's. Roughly 20cm x 12 cm, mixed media. The series of work was based on conflict of relationships and a number of large canvases were produced (sadly lost over time!). Some of the influences of the F post maybe be seen and possible Moore, I still like to produce quick studies in this style although looking at my recent paintings this would not appear so! I think of them more as doodles.


jafabrit said...

My first thought was moore, I just loved his studies and this has a similar mood.

paultalbotart said...

yeah, early influences I suppose, plus whilst studying post degree I was based at the yorkshire sculpture park and his sculptues dominated the grounds. I think I still prefer the drawings he made rather than the 3D elements that he is more recognised for